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Female Support- > Organicup

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Orig. Price: $36.50
Sale Price: $31.99
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: ORGCP-M


OrganiCup is the award-winning menstrual cup that replaces pads and tampons. Easier, healthier, greener. Month after month.


Manufacturer notes:

Suggested sizes are generalisations.

"There are a couple of other factors you might want to consider when you’re choosing the menstrual cup size for you.


Regular or heavy flow
The OrganiCup can be used for up to 12 hours at a time – also during night – depending on your flow.

We recommend that you empty your menstrual cup more frequently in the beginning while you’re getting to know the cup and your flow.

If you have a light or regular flow, we recommend the Size A or Size Mini for teens or those who need a smaller size.

However, if you have a heavier flow you might want to consider going with the Size B, which has a bigger capacity.

Some OrganiCup users like to use a few different cup sizes throughout their cycle. This is because, for some, their flow is heavier at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and they prefer to use the Size B. Then, as their flow becomes lighter towards the end of the cycle, they can switch to using the Size A.

First time cup users
We recommend the Size Mini or Size A for teens and young cup users. You can actually start using a menstrual cup as soon as you get your period.

Although there is no age limit, it does require that you are comfortable with your body and period. Read more about that here.

For mums, we generally recommend going with a Size B as per the above. However, if you have delivered your child/children by C-section, we recommend going with a Size A."




For cleaning OrganiCup on occasions without access to clean water and for sanitising the cup between periods. Contains 10 wipes.


For cleaning OrganiCup before insertion/after removal and as a pH-balanced intimate wash for your body. Contains 75ml.



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